This significant discussion about the “Peace Process” and the realities of American politics took place just two days after the inauguration of Barack Obama. Now, so many years later, with Genocide raging against the Palestinians, unprecedented protests around the world against “The Jewish State,” the never-before ICJ indictment of Israeli leaders as “war criminals,” a major regional war looming that could expand into World War, and Hamas the center of attention, this discussion has much contemporary relevance to understanding the critical history that has led our world to this ominous situation. Bruzonsky had met privately in Damascus with the political head of Hamas the previous year, as he had done with President Anwar Sadat many years earlier, with Yasser Arafat in Beirut as well as Tunis and Cairo, and with many other leading Israeli and Arab persons including Shimon Peres, Itzhak Rabin, and General Matti Peled.