USA Publications
Atlanta Journal and Constitution
BOOK World – The Washington Post
The Boston Globe
Boycott Law Bulletin
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Chicago Tribune
Christian Science Monitor
Congress Bi-Weekly
Congressional Quarterly
Contemporary Review
Dissent Magazine
Eastern Times
Events – News Magazine on the Middle East
Harper’s Weekly
International Security (Harvard)
In These Times
Lawrence Today
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Weekly
Middle East Journal
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Moment Magazine
The Nation
National Geographic Society
The National Jewish Monthly
New Jewish Agenda
The New Renaissance
Politics & Other Human Interests
Sacramento Bee
Sada Alwatan
The Arab-American News
The Commentator
The Journal of Palestine Studies
The Journal of the Middle East Institute
The National Jewish Monthly
The New Leader
The Plain Dealer
The Stars and Stripes
The Washington Post
The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
The Washington Star
The Wilson Quarterly
Worldview Magazine
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
International Publications
Al-Biyader Al-Siyyaseh (Jerusalem)
Ad Dustour (Amman)
Al Ahram (Cairo)
Al-Ray Al-Aam (Kuwait)
Al-Siyassah (Kuwait)
Contemporary Review (London)
Egyptian Gazette (Egypt)
Events (London)
Haaretz (Israel)
Haolam Hazeh (Tel Aviv)
India Abroad (India)
International Affairs – Chatham House (London)
The Muslim (Islamabad)
International Problems (Tel Aviv)
The Jerusalem Star (Amman)
Jeune Afrique (Paris)
Israel and Palestine Political Report (Paris)
Israel Horizons
Journal of Palestine Studies (Beirut)
Le Monde (Paris)
Liberation (Paris)
Middle East International (London)
New Outlook (Tel Aviv)
Okaz (Jeddah)
Progress Egyptian (Egypt)
Playboy Magazine (Slovenia)
Rose El Yusef (Cairo)
The Egyptian Gazette (Cairo)
The International Herald Tribune (Paris)
The Jerusalem Post (Israel)
The Middle East Magazine (London)
The Saudi Gazette (Jeddah)
No War (Gentosha Publishing, Japan)